FAQs: Capture the Flag

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. Q: What is the object of Capture the Flag?

    A: The goal of capture the flag is simply to capture your enemy’s flag as often as possible, for which you get a point each time you succeed.

    Q: How is the winner of the game determined?

    A: The first team to get 5 points within the amount of time allotted by the in-game timer wins the match. If neither of the teams reaches 5 points, the team with the most points is the winner. Should both teams have the same amount of points, the winner will be determined as follows (in descending order):
    · Most shots per team.
    · Most inflicted damage per team.
    · Highest average of damage inflicted per team.
    · Should the match still remain tied, there will be no winner. For the ranking, the number of battles you have lost remains the same and no coins will be awarded.

    Q: What can I win?

    A: The reward for the members of the winning team is a “Kirus coin.”

    Q: Are there pre-determined zones of re-entry?

    A: Yes, each team has a specific re-entry zone; namely, where the player begins is where he’ll reappear after he’s died.

    Q: Are there restrictions for using invisibility or invincibility buffs?

    A: Players that are using invisibility or an invincibility buff may not capture the flag. If they are using one of these buffs while they have a flag, they will lose that flag.

    Q: What does the battlefield look like?

    A: The battlefield is square. The re-entry zones for each team are in the top right and bottom left corners of the field. Each team’s flag is located right in front of the re-entry zone.

    Q: Do you have to repair your ship if it’s been sunk?

    A: No, your ship will respawn fully repaired in the appropriate re-entry zone.

    Q: How long does it take to respawn after having been sunk?

    A: It takes 15 seconds at the longest until you are able to start playing again.

    Q: How can you capture the opposing team’s flag?

    A: You can capture the opposing team’s flag by simply sailing over it. If a team is able to bring the opposing team’s flag to the starting position of their own flag, they’ll win a point. Once the point has been awarded, the opposing team’s flag returns to its starting position.

    Q: How can you tell which player has the flag?

    A: When a player has a flag, they will be marked with a red or blue seal, depending on the team the player in on.

    Q: What happens when the player carrying the flag is sunk, logs out or leaves the battlefield?

    A: The flag will fall onto the map and stay where it is until collected by another player.

    Q: What happens when a player sails over his own team’s flag that fell somewhere on the battlefield?

    A: The flag will automatically return to its starting position. The same is true when the player who’s captured the opposing team’s flag sails over his own team’s flag.

    Each pirate house Battlefield has its own set of unique rewards.
    Note: The coin requirements and cost for items may be subject to change.



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