FAQs Cannonball Damage/Description

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by WaterWillow, Sep 21, 2018.

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  1. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Note: Price, availability, and/or requirement to purchase/earn cannonballs is subject to change.

    Cannonballs Available Daily For Purchase

    Steel, Iron & Stone


    Cannonballs Available From Arena

    Continental Breaker


    6 Months Achievement - 25K Cannonballs
    Monster Hunt Winner - 5K Cannonballs

    Blood Moon Cannonballs

    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 11
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 5%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 30%
    Note: Not Available for Purchase

    Cannonballs Available to Build in the Guild Island Workshop

    Guild Scramblers


    Guild Scramblers can be built (1,000 for 150,000 gold X 16 hours) in the Guild Island with the purchase of the Blueprint for 10K Diamonds. The Guild must have a Level 10 Workshop and 15,000 Plunder Points to be able to build Guild Scramblers.

    Tower Tumblers


    Tower Tumblers can be built (1,000 for 100,000 gold X 16 hours) in the Guild Island with the purchase of the Blueprint for 5K Diamonds. The Guild must have a Level 8 Workshop and 12,000 Plunder Points to be able to build Guild Scramblers.

    Battleground Cannonballs
    Note: Double Base Damage for Corresponding Battleground

    Ananasi Battleground - Spider Fangs


    Buthu Battleground - Poison Cannonballs


    Kingsguard Battleground - Mjöllnir Balls

    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 10
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 16%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 12%

    Kirus Battleground - Lacerating Cannonballs


    Lodos Battleground - Sawtooth


    Pentar Battleground - Panther Jaws


    Sobek Battleground - Bite of the Gator


    Special Event/Bonus Map Cannonballs

    Skull & Crossbones Day - Quartz Cannonballs


    Price: 1,000 for 500 Skulls

    Voodoo Map - Will-o'-the-Wisp

    Enemy Type: Ships

    Base Damage: 13
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 12%
    Note: Not Available for Purchase; Voodoo Map Possible Reward

    Celebration of Heroes - Pirate Storm Anniversary - Cudgel Mace

    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 15
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 16%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 12%
    Price: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Free reward possibility during event

    Talk Like a Pirate Day - Yarr! Cannonballs


    Price: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Free reward possibility during event

    Halloween Event - Grinning Death

    Price: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Free reward possibility during event

    Attack of the Ice Wolves - Winter Event - Icebreaker


    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 13
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 0%
    Price: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Free reward possibility during event

    Dragon Hunt - Nova Balls

    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 15
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 15%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 20%

    Note: Not Available for Purchase; Available as Possible Reward from mini-game "Rock, Paper, Scissors"

    Dragon Hunt - Dragon Fire Ammo


    Enemy Type: Ships
    Base Damage: 13
    Ship Damage: 100%
    Chance for Critical Hit: 10%
    Critical Damage Bonus: 5%
    Note: 1,000 for 1,000 diamonds; Available as Possible Reward During Event

    ScaryFatPirate likes this.
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