Extreme difficulty Dragon Deck

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Jalk, Apr 20, 2022.

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  1. Jalk

    Jalk User

    I have reached round 10, I have seen the deck and I have lost,
    and now it is impossible for me to get it, because I know I will never get to round 10 again
    I have played 1600 coupons again and did not pass round 7
    the difficulty is so extreme that I would not get to round 10 again even with infinite coupons

    Now what?I Lost her forever?You do not give options
    there is no option to win 1 round for coupons(for example 800 coupons for buying a round)
    or buy the cover for diamonds...
    10 rounds is almost impossible(even nine rounds is crazy) and the rock-paper-scissors minigame
    is not fun and obviously not satisfying
    99% of the players think that it is impossible and of all the coupons that were spent among
    all in years, only 1 won?(Mascal eu3 italian player)only 1?
    Losing in round 10 happened to me on April 13 and I complained to support,
    then I thought, maybe now they reduced the difficulty and no, I didn't pass round 7 with 1600 coupons
    There is no difficulty reducer, for those who spend a lot of coupons or lose at round 10??
    I'm probably the only one who saw the cover in 2022 and that makes me the winner of 2022 and I don't have it,,
    nor are you going to give it to me
    Now I'm calm because I farmed the 4200 coupons, I didn't buy them
    but I know that I will never reach round 10 again even if I farm 9000 coupons in 2023
    the only thing that wins that cover photo

    (Sorry i dont speak english is traductor)

  2. xd i don't know your in game name but you're wrong in pretty much everything, you're not the only one who lost at round 10 believe me, or even winning round 10 but the critics instead of the deck, it is how it is, deal with it, many players won the deck this year, but many lost too.
  3. imadrian

    imadrian User

    Your information are not right, i won it on 2020 in eu3
    And I also know that this year a lot of people won it; more then usual.
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Jalk,

    Rock, Paper, Scissors is strictly a game of chance and luck. Winning of the deck is difficult, but possible.

    Happy Sailing!
  5. Judas-

    Judas- User

    Hello pirates of armchair and table stretcher:
    Like you, sometimes I see covers.
    Hundreds of covers obtained from stone, paper and scissors.
    A fair, unbiased algorithm that takes two seconds to show your selection is not going to be wrong.
    There are the Magi, there is Santa Claus and, of course, everyone but you has the cover of the dragon.
    Jalk, you don't know man.
    Merry Christmas
  6. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    ~~Question Answered~~

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