
Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Blackzerto, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    in the dragon hunt event approximately how much diamonds will i spend? for both ship and mushu deck
  2. ship 200.000 diamonds you can get it with 0 diamond and the dech with 47.500

    you need about 50 k to 70k
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  3. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    how much is spent per bonus map?
  4. 6k to buy special cannonballs in -50% ammo
  5. -soturi-1

    -soturi-1 User

    1 Bonusmap 6k :O or do you mean all bonusmaps for 6k?
  6. It really depends on how good your cannons and launchers are, how efficiently you use them and whether you have a lot of rockets and time. The amount of ammo used varies greatly (diff can be thousands of ammo per map) depending on how you play and what you have to work with.
  7. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    umm lets say i use 10 large warriors how will i do? and this event is like every other event right? 10 day bonus map kind of thing so if you say 6 k on half day so its 12k per bonus map if not on half day and 12k times ten is 120k?!
  8. ^_^

    ^_^ User

    some1 told me that the bonus maps were all free but i wasnt sure cause i know that vday wasnt..... be nice to know way or another
  9. phil1985

    phil1985 User

    bouns map are fee but sometimes you might have to purchase special ammo to enter that map because the monsters can only be killed by certain ammo
  10. Eclips

    Eclips User

    50% isn't with special cannonballs, 50% with special cannonballs.
    en 6k ballen + is 3k with discount
  11. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    can I get a very accurate answer?
  12. Okay, here the deal, you have to use 5 cannons to conserver ammo, if you 5 bombs, that's awesome, you will use aprox 2k, lws is more then 3k because of the damage and scatter
  13. Each map, I assume?
  14. yeah
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia User

    It varies depending on your patience too. Theoretically you could do a map w/o special ammo (just using captain's orders and rockets) though that would take a very long time. Fewer cannons means less ammo wasted. You can also do the free map many times over and get special ammo for the maps requiring it.
  16. too much Diamonds... passing on Dragon for me this year. Focusing on finishing my Frost.
  17. Blackzerto

    Blackzerto User

    last question I went to the faq of the dragon hunt event it's very confusing its says after this bonus map you will do this bonus map?
  18. when i get my dragon ship last year there was 2 maps each day one for free another one for special amo