[EU3] MG- search clean and active players

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by ☜乂ȺƦǤØ☠☞₣Ʀ, May 24, 2018.

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  1. If you don't use loadout bug, and if you're activ on the game, you are welcome in MG- (europa 3).
    We use discord and TS (TS is not requiered), your lvl does'nt matter)
    -arlo-, floflo546, -Ath- and 5 others like this.


    1 player (or more) use bug in your guild xd
  3. PaganHorde

    PaganHorde User

    Hello Hardwell. Good u back :)
  4. Nobody use bug in MG-
    -arlo-, -Ath-, LaMorue and 3 others like this.
  5. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    but all use fakes for 3-3 and 2-2 XDDDDD
    -korsan98- likes this.
  6. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    you use fakes too
  7. But it's 888 who block arena.
  8. Eclips

    Eclips User

    Lol, you are lieing, you use fakes and you block arena.... MG- has cheaters , so dont try to make yourself look good, get good
  9. leboss712

    leboss712 User

    we are clean, we dont use bug.
    -arlo-, -Ath-, LaMorue and 2 others like this.
  10. saltobis

    saltobis User

    arrétes d'aimer tes postes avec tes doubles comptes mec .
    s'est nul.
  11. c'est pas les miens mdr, c'est des joueurs de ma guilde x)
    a part 1 javoue, si je le faisais vrmt je likerai plus de post, eten plus ta cru que j'avais que ça a faire mdr ?
  12. omg, I do have an account on euro3--and there I am a level 3 newbie. I didn't even know I had been to the euro3 server, but, euro1 is my home and pretty dead now. I am a level 42 there and can fish all day in Lupine fjords with my Halloween event ship and not see a single player. Wait, yes I did find a Blizzard ship picking up the boxes for my kills--and he disappeared and ran. That is a disgrace in itself! LOL. Do you take level 3 for your guild ?
  13. yes we take :), just dont use bug, and progress in the guild :p
    -arlo- likes this.
  14. Have never used a bug--I don't think I even know how.

    I went up a few levels already! I remember the Tavern Quests from when I started in 2014 (or 2013?). I kind of miss them. I will really really miss not having a piranha too, bummer that they cannot be earned here :(

    Thank you again--for the time being as I am such a newbie on euro3, I will keep the name I joined there with. Eventually I will become YellowHammer again. This incognito is because I don't fancy being a noob and getting chain sunk just because of little misunderstandings in the past. hehehehe.
  15. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    Eclips likes this.
  16. MG- is active, come and you're welcome !
    now, you're in MG- ? If yes, who're you :) ?
  17. I was "Lillie" but I left that server, no one is there when I am online because of my timezone--that is true of almost all servers except for Latin America. I log in there and it is really busy, but, I am a noob there too. It really is too hard to restart a game you had been playing for years, collected all the ships and the bombastic level 3 cannons, gone into 1v1 and often as not won, or barely lost.

    Now I am a noob again and there is nothing I can do about all the time and money I invested in my original server--I am still nothing.

    That is how I feel, so, I have quit all the servers except one.

    I had an old account on Arabia a long time ago and I have gone back there. Why? because at least there i can't be disappointed, I just play against NPCs when I have the time. I'm not spending time waiting for a battleground so i can earn upgrades--we all know there are no more battlegrounds so we also should know that if we ever restarted on a modestly populated server just to occasionally find other players to fight, most of those opponents that stayed on are those that are higher level--they have already gotten all their Battleground items and upgrades. The rest of us are just skulls or pvp points.

    Sorry for the pity-me. I left pirate storm a little over 2 years ago to concentrate on finishing at the university--and I did that. I came back to play but i still remember what the game was. This is not the game I once knew so well.
  18. MyWay1999

    MyWay1999 User

    Eclips is a very old player and he may know something maybe?

    I dont believe that MG- doesnt use any bugs
    -korsan98- likes this.
  19. Eclips

    Eclips User

    What do I know ?

    *EDIT* But on forum you can get banned if you talk about this...
  20. MyWay1999

    MyWay1999 User

    Eclips its RiposteFiora :)