Eu 1

Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by القبطان70, Sep 1, 2023.

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  1. What guild are you with on Euro1 and what is your game name--introduce yourself if you are actually playing :)
  2. adryontop

    adryontop User

    just 3 guild active , EFR ,GOC and PQR, but many ppl taking a little nap from the game cuz sumer event
  3. EURO 3 server name is القبطان70
  4. -cacho-

    -cacho- User

    Hi, can someone accept me in their guild? I'm new and active, please. EU1
  5. pirate1988

    pirate1988 User

    We are at TRV in EU1, you can come if you want.

    EVILME User

    Hello , we are AKM a little french guild , you welcome