Dune Sea quest problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by blackbeared2, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. I have been having problems with the quest to get the cordone.The game is sending me to Niflheim What should I do??? Sould I go over thier and do the qeust ??
  2. Yes. Follow each quests as they become available.
  3. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    Millenium.Falcon is correct. Follow the quests as directed in the zone. You will recieve a few outside of this zone but after completing them you should be directed back to Dune Sea. To the best of my knowledge there shouldn't be a quest directing you to Niflheim related to unlocking the Cordone.

    I will post the quest list when found. :)
  4. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    Below is the list of quests associated with Dune Sea, courtesy of a player named Ebrahim who posted the list a while back.

    Dunne Sea (9b) Quests

    1. A Change Of Scenery:
    Quest location: z8B
    Objective: Got to map: Dune Sea (z9b) port

    2. Groaning Timbers:

    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: 12 Marid

    3. Guardian Angster:

    Quest location: z9B
    Objective:18 Karoo

    4. Guilty Consdience:

    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: 15 Marid

    5. Nabbing Nephew:
    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: 500.000 Gold

    6. Daydreaming Betrayer:
    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: Dune Sea (z9b) coordinates C3
    & 16 Sonora

    7. Can't Choose Your Family:
    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: Dune Sea (9b) port
    & upgrade 1x steadfast harpoon

    8. Swindler's List:
    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: Dune Sea (9b) port
    & upgrade 2x 9-pounder

    9. Sneaky Spymaster:

    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: Dune Sea (9b) port
    & upgrade 2x 10-pounder

    10. Spur Of The Moment:
    Quest location: z9B
    Objective: go to map: Icy Tomb (z12)
    & 15 Grave Rubber

    11. A Different Kind Of Booty:
    Quest Location: z12
    Objective: go to map: Jarlshiem (z13)
    & 15 Vanadis Trablaizers

    12. No Hamstring Attached:

    Quest Location: z13
    go to map: Rikiki (z14)
    & 15 blackwater lizard

    13.Empty Stores:
    Quest Location: z14
    Objective: go to map: Dune Sea (z9b) port

    14. Not Paranoid Enough:
    Quest Location: z9B
    Objective: 12 Karoo
    & upgrade 4x 9-pounder

    15. Compare And Contrast:

    Quest Location: z9B
    Objective: 22 Karoo

    16. Golden Boy:
    Quest Location: z9B
    Objective: Dune Sea (9b) port
    & upgrade 1x 18-pounder
    & upgrade 3x 9-pounder
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