Drop rates

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Sacheram, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. Sacheram

    Sacheram User

    Hi all,
    I would like to know drop rates for certain items. I searched the forum for any kind of information on this subject but there is verry little if any. Example would be if I´m grinding in zone 10 what drops can I expect from NPC:

    NPC name
    Gold 3000-4500 (100%)
    Thunder rocket (5%)
    Armour plates (6%) and so on...

    It wold be nice if we had this for all the NPC´s and shown in %
  2. Just go sink each NPC 1000 times and record what u get from each sink.

    Really not that hard....
  3. Whats ur Nickname ??
  4. Sacheram

    Sacheram User

    Harder than for the game developers to post the info that they already have...