Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TANKE, Aug 30, 2023.

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  1. TANKE

    TANKE User

    I want a direct conversation with the person responsible for the ICM moderator, I am a contributing customer of this game, if I was able to accept the terms of use of the contract years ago then I have every legal and justicial right to talk to him, this last accusation of use of botting and taking advantage of the arena is incorrect, you who are in the support and development are not able to keep the game CHAT open or return the PVP imagine to be investigating account by account, and this game does not have any detector of use of macros or sotfwere that helps in investigation, it is very easy for a player to accuse me of something in this game to harm someone, and apparently I am being legally harmed in this game by another player, my biggest revolt is that investing a lot of money for years back to receiving poor treatment, support and moderation have not patched and brought updates to the game for years.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy TANKE,

    You will need to contact Support. The Forum Team does not have access to player data and cannot assist you.

    Best Regards!

    ~Referred to Support~
    ~~Thread Closed~~
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