Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Mc~Monkey~D~Luffy, Jun 26, 2014.

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  1. Please, players with Paladin or without Paladin vote for deck for Paladin. It is hard to get that ship because your guild have to work hard, not just one player like for event ships. All event ships have their decks and they are not hard to get like Paladin. Please VOTE i need votes for the deck ! Thanks !
    abangcool99 likes this.
  2. 1 vote for deck from me
    abangcool99 likes this.
  3. Buck1982

    Buck1982 User

    1 vote for deck from me
    abangcool99 likes this.
  4. pirate

    pirate User

    1 vote for deck from me..
    abangcool99 likes this.
  5. Nevidomý

    Nevidomý User

    I don't know... Paladin has other advantages, and they are really good...
  6. But its not easy to get him. I think all players with paladin deserves a deck for him
    abangcool99 likes this.
  7. The reason for the Paladin not having its own deck may be because of the 10%damage bonus on guild islands. Plus, the Paladin is a guild oriented ship, hence the only way to get it is by having a top ten guild and the +6% guild-gold and guild xp bonus.
  8. Nevidomý

    Nevidomý User

    It's not easy for player who want to have their own small guild, but if you are ambitious and willing to join some big guild, you can get him pretty soon.
    As ƇƛƤƬƛƖƝĐƖƦƬƳĐƛƝ™ said, paladin has huge advantage on guild islands and also when farming.
  9. But look Frostbrand - Ship damage to guild islands: +10% Guild XP bonus: 6%. And all guild have to work together for invasion points so that's very hard also. So why then Frostbrand have his own deck and Paladin don't ? I just want paladin finally get his own deck because all players deserves that. They are work very hard to get it.
    Le`Majestueux and abangcool99 like this.
  10. ZCrazy

    ZCrazy User

    1 vote more
    abangcool99 likes this.
  11. 1 more vote
    abangcool99 likes this.
  12. sobby1

    sobby1 User

    Yes a deck for paladin is essential
  13. 1 more vote
    If the idea is accepted, I suggest that Paladin Deck has a maximum of 6 cannons and a minimum of 4 cannons, while the harpoon had 4.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  14. Yes, I agree with that. That's perfect solution.
  15. The Paladin already has it's own deck.. the Guild deck. The only difference is that you can put guild deck on any ship instead of just 1.

    and I vote no
  16. So how is that his own deck ?
    Own deck means deck for just one ship mate.
    And that is big difference. That's like i put arena deck on Piranhu.
    They have there own decks. I don't agree with you.
    abangcool99 likes this.
  17. Give them that deck and everyone is happy ...
  18. i vote for deck from me too
  19. The Piranha's deck is the Front Battle deck, and even it is replaced by the Reef deck.
    During events there is (normally, the exception being the Frostwolf event) 1 ship and 1 deck available for purchase, and the same goes for a top 10 guild.. 1 ship and 1 deck the only difference is that the Paladin's deck will also go on any other ship.
  20. I say no. When you buy the Paladin, you buy it knowing it doesn't have it's own deck. If you want a ship with it's own deck, buy an event ship. If you want a Paladin with it's own deck, buy a FB.
    tickles likes this.