caracteristics of amno

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Jean-Lafitte, Jun 12, 2014.

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  1. I'd like to know the caracteristics of the :
    bloodmoon balls
    will o the wisp balls
    cudgel mace balls
    death claws harps
    ... and also if they could do twice the damage, if yes where and on what (npc, players, or both)

    Also, I'd like to know if the hunting spears harps do twice damage on colossus : when I shot them on the colossus I was doing about 7k damage, but with steel harps I do 5k damage : it looks like it doesn't do the double damage on it... I'd like to know how the double damage works : if it multiplies by 2 the damage of the harpoon (15*2=30) or if it multiplies by 2 the final damage...

    if there should be a double damage on colossus maybe you should make sure there is no mistake.

    Thank you
  2. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    There is some information we have not been given. However, I will move your thread to Pirate Talk so that you can have a discussion on this topic. :)
  3. Nevidomý

    Nevidomý User

    There is some info on Czech forum: cannonballs and harpoons. It's in Czech but numbers are the same in every language:D The names aren't translated word to word but you can guess by picture.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
  4. En el foro Portugues también viene bien explicado.
  5. brutality

    brutality User

    how about posting links to laces that have the stats would be nice
  6. Guys all special ammo have a advantage for exampl voodo map and shooting match will of wisp delt double damage only on those maps. So do the mat, cannons damage plus ammo damage.
  7. you are right marshak, but how about the % for crit hits dmg and chance... they're very important too