can someone please give me information ?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by 123oguzhan321, Oct 30, 2023.

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  1. 3 days ago was the 27th of the month, in an older post i was toldd the star vipers only spawned on the first of each month and only exist for a day, but i saw a couple of them of the 26th, and killed enough to make a couple thousand diamonds from it on the 27th, can someone please tell me what triggers their spawning ,i appreciate you reading the post, sail safe and have fun.
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy 123oguzhan321,

    The Pirate Fest begins at 24:00 on each server and continues with the last spawning at 23:00-23:59 the following day. Any Star Vipers not killed will remain on the map until the server reset.

    Star Vipers appear on days there is a Pirate Fest. Two Star Vipers appear in zones 5-13. On these Pirate Fest Event days, the Vipers will appear one hour from the time they were killed the preceding hour. However, you must be within the appropriate level to kill them. If you cannot shoot them, then your level is too high.

    The same holds true for Basilisks, which spawn in zones 14-32.

    Storm Vipers appear on the 1st of each month for Storm Day. Storm Vipers show in zones 5-32. The same spawning rules & times mentioned for both Star Vipers and Basilisks on Pirate Fest Days apply for Storm Vipers.

    Happy Sailing!