BUG IS FIXED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MiniPirate, Feb 15, 2018.

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  1. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The development team is working on the bug/glitch with the ship loadout feature. The latest information that we have concerning this issue can be found HERE. Please continue to look at the Announcement section for any new information on this subject. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

    Happy Sailing!

    ~Development Team Working on Issue~
    ~~Thread Closed~~
  2. Sakuma

    Sakuma User

    There are players who are still with the bug such as *EDIT*, fix it once. In my work for more than a year I would be on the street for a subject 50% less important.
    vjmasiero likes this.
  3. pira51

    pira51 User

    Ahem, to have some big-point lights tell me how to get the prizes of this battlefield without carrying bug (incompetent clowns) and without players who play ?. thankless thanks
    vjmasiero likes this.
  4. When the loadout bug and other bug will be fixed ? The game was really good, the better for me, but now, why do not you do anything, NOTHING since the start of the bug. The legal players wait, just wait, and you say : wait... Why ? When its will be fixed ? When we can play ? Don't say this please :
    "The development team is working on the bug/glitch with the ship loadout feature. The latest information that we have concerning this issue can be found HERE. Please continue to look at the Announcement section for any new information on this subject. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience."
    they don't have any changment, just nothing
    vjmasiero likes this.
  5. pira51

    pira51 User

    thank you very much for the prompt response, we will continue doing the same (not spend a €) you can check the balance of big point, until the issue is resolved, we are still waiting.
    vjmasiero likes this.
  6. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

  7. haunted415

    haunted415 User

    we all hope.
  8. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    well nothing happend ! XDDD
  9. borzas

    borzas User

    I want a clean game
  10. Zape

    Zape User

    The cheaters keep sinking us with a shot and BIGPOIN also keeps lying to us about the game. They are not doing anything at all to fix the bug. These cowardly cheats are still getting all the awards and decorations of the events, and nothing happens here
    -Storm54- and vjmasiero like this.
  11. L.O.L
    Big joke like every restart
  12. haunted415

    haunted415 User

    not like every restart, there was a restart ummmm 2 years ago that was good.
  13. like every restart since the start of cheater wave, in june 2017
  14. BP if you can not or do not want to fix this game better shut it up this restart is empty my English was not very good :(
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