Bring Back Old PVP Style

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by †MC†♣▒ķőšţĭş4▒♣†™, Jul 20, 2017.

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Bring back old pvp game play?

  1. YES

    378 vote(s)
  2. NO

    15 vote(s)
  1. chav

    chav User

    i wish come back old sistem of pvp in game,I miss the times when i fight on kanasa for pvp
  2. catelul11

    catelul11 User

    Hi. I have a suggestion for the PVP system. The simplest thing to give this game life, put the rewards from PvP back, at least. Thank you!
    YellowHammer likes this.


    back old PVP ,and BigPoint will have + 30or 40% more players. If contunue this pvp system game will dead after 1-2 years.
  4. If you brought back the old PVP system, in particular the stuff you could get with skulls, like it was originally you wouldn't have these clowns showing up in the arena with ahabs. They couldnt stay competitve. In the old pvp system you gained skulls when you sank other players other than those in ahabs but you didnt lose any if you were sunk--it was fun. You also didnt lose pvp if you couldnt make it online every single danged day. If anyone wants to breathe life back into the game, bring back the skull rewards--many many good players earned their first ship with skulls, the piranha (and its deck and enhancements). Those ships could carry them pretty far in the game and then you had the arena ship you got for 2v2 teams (or was it 3v3)? I can't remember the name of that one, never got it (no one wanted to team up with the girl :p) but it was similar to one of the ice ships. Because this vital part of the original game is missing, it has gaps now and any new players will drop after a short time, might make it to level 25 but they then hit that gap. The game was marvelous as it was originally designed but its had its inards removed and is just a shell now--the heart of the game was the pvp system , if anyone in design actually reads these forums, please return the game to its original format.
    abangcool99 and raidmax like this.
  5. ferslim

    ferslim User

    If you brought back the old PVP system, in particular the stuff you could get with skulls, like it was originally you wouldn't have these clowns showing up in the arena with ahabs. They couldnt stay competitve. In the old pvp system you gained skulls when you sank other players other than those in ahabs but you didnt lose any if you were sunk--it was fun. You also didnt lose pvp if you couldnt make it online every single danged day. If anyone wants to breathe life back into the game, bring back the skull rewards--many many good players earned their first ship with skulls, the piranha (and its deck and enhancements). Those ships could carry them pretty far in the game and then you had the arena ship you got for 2v2 teams (or was it 3v3)? I can't remember the name of that one, never got it (no one wanted to team up with the girl :p) but it was similar to one of the ice ships. Because this vital part of the original game is missing, it has gaps now and any new players will drop after a short time, might make it to level 25 but they then hit that gap. The game was marvelous as it was originally designed but its had its inards removed and is just a shell now--the heart of the game was the pvp system , if anyone in design actually reads these forums, please return the game to its original format.​
    YellowHammer, Sep 20, 2019 Report
    #104 Like Reply
    raidmax likes this.
  6. sasacar98

    sasacar98 User

    so true
  7. nothing has changed.
  8. PLEASE, RETURN TO THE OLD PVP SYSTEM, OLD PVP SYMBOL ABOVE OUR SHIPS, NOT THIS ONE, PUT AGAIN SKULLS, not this system that is build about a season where you earn and lost pvp but at finally there are not awards, so what are you doing if you don't put nothing of regards? put again the old ranking and we can start from zero, better than nothing (also if i had more than 5 milliion pvp points). Now a new players can't buy piranha, are you understanding the situation? it's shameful c'mon ....
    Nowadays nobody play this game and the players who do this play ONLY WITH ACHAB, in map, in arena, in battle.... you have lost a lot of players only for this pvp system 3 years ago, me included that i always stay in top 10 pvp of Europe 3, 7 months at 1st place without came to the 2nd (when we were a lot in Eu3), 3,5 years stay in top 10, i tell you this not to brag, but to undestand that if i'm bored about pvp it's because the situation is serious....
    chav likes this.
  9. BarBariaN

    BarBariaN User


    Why i have pvp rank if i have nothing from it?
    Why i collect skulls and pvp if i have nothing from it?
    Im sinking other players only because of achivement.

    Thank you bp.
    chav and ☆ΝЏТ∑LLΔ☆ like this.
  10. come back old pvp and skulls please
    SP4R0S likes this.
  11. add again the skulls and old pvp

    it was better
    SP4R0S likes this.
  12. put skulls and old pvp style
    it was better
    SP4R0S likes this.
    SP4R0S likes this.
  14. SP4R0S

    SP4R0S User

    yes pls
  15. 1jaguar1

    1jaguar1 User

    Old pvp!!!
    SP4R0S likes this.
  16. Ionut22x

    Ionut22x User

    That's all I'm saying:
    If you respect us, return to the old system of PvP, if not, keep it this way.
    Thank you bp for destroying this game even if we did put money in your game.
    Hope you will take my advice like seriously.
    If you'll take it seriously, I can bring like 30 players back to the game, but until then, I won't. So it's your lose because some of them would donate.
  17. BarBariaN

    BarBariaN User

    Old system brought me piranha, deck and a lot of cannons back in 2014. We want old pvp system back because many players would have chance to get piranha which is better than devastator and also many improvements.
    chav likes this.
  18. PoPeYe

    PoPeYe User

    The only way to make the game more enjoyable right now is to fix the last bugs such as the two bonus map exploits and then ONLY after that, merging the servers together and bring back old pvp style with a new PvP season. Sadly that will more likely never happen so just try to enjoy the game like it is right now but don't except too much for the future of the game.
  19. zzz

    zzz User

    here is pointless to cry, the old PVP back. it will not be returned.
  20. Old PVP sistem!!!