Bring Back Old PVP Style

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by †MC†♣▒ķőšţĭş4▒♣†™, Jul 20, 2017.

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Bring back old pvp game play?

  1. YES

    378 vote(s)
  2. NO

    15 vote(s)
  1. with the stage the game is at - get used to it
  2. zsamasimi

    zsamasimi User


    Hello support, this morning playing on pirate storm, Europe 1, I was banned for 1 month. I do not know the reason why I was not able to do it because it was the first time this happens, I would like to know if there is an opportunity to reduce my banishment time did nothing serious. I did not cheat anything. I would like to have my time there because I would like to continue playing this adventure. If I broke the rules of the server I apologize and I assure you that I will not do it again. If it is for my illegible pseudonym, I change it there is no problem. I leave you my identifiers of the journey I connect: *EDIT*. Thank you for doing so in this text and I use google translation. Best regards

    Last edited by moderator: Jul 29, 2018
  3. zsamasimi

    zsamasimi User

    Hello, this morning playing I was banned until 4/07/2018. I do not know why, if possible to unpack for me to continue playing will be cool :) Regards
    In your site support i cant valid the capcha
  4. you are going to fix pvp ?? or no?? they are out of order for many months
  5. zzz

    zzz User

    No. I do not accept it to fix pvp. First they quickly fix a shooting bug!!!!!!!
    YellowHammer and MANU_OWW like this.
  6. can somebody answer when pvp will start again ? ....and if it ll be the old or new system .
  7. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

  8. [-PRO-]

    [-PRO-] User

    Simple solution fix all bugs (this is ridiculous) gone on for way too long and maybe just bring back old pvp i prefer it much more and also prefer old pvp icons

    maybe start adding more quests to complete (with decent rewards)

    add 2 more slots to workshop

    and maybe start listening to the people who actually play this game and maybe you can then start gaining players back or getting new ones and hey look if the game doesn't have bugs riddled all inside it then if players want all these items then they have to spend money to buy them, it really is not that hard..
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  9. whats the problem with the pvp system? where is the difficult to put the files of old pvp system ? no pvp ranks for months now ...rly?
    YES i know what you will answer :' As soon as we receive notification about the PVP Season, we will let you know.'
    YellowHammer and arion2 like this.
  10. vjmasiero

    vjmasiero User

    I do not understand this concern. The game is still far from fair !!
    PVP system now is what thieves want !!!
    RevoTeck24 and YellowHammer like this.
  11. vjmasiero

    vjmasiero User

    Dear friend.
    The game is still full of bug. Only 1 has been fixed.
    So new system or old system does not improve anything !!
    Marvel-Gay likes this.
  12. alihybat

    alihybat User

    Just old pvp old Icon
  13. Actually I am agree with [-PRO-] and vjmasiero and alihybat
    If you'll fix all the bugs then you will have your players back and it means more money for you.
    This is the best game I've ever seen. Please don't destroy it anymore again :)
    If you don't fix all bugs , soonly even these players will leave game too.
    Then hurry up BigPoint! Reborn the game!
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  14. then remove arena too......
  15. MyWay1999

    MyWay1999 User

    Well old pvp system was better and also pvp ships and upgrades unlocked ?

    Who wants old pvp system?
    YellowHammer likes this.
  16. D4D4S

    D4D4S User

    All players want old PVP icons :) Come back please.
    YellowHammer likes this.
  17. xAdriian

    xAdriian User

    Old system improves a lot for new players; they cant lose skulls so they can buy improvements for their ships. And the thing is that a small player has 30 skulls go in a bigger map lose all their skulls and points because big players kill him, thats not fair at all! Especially new players who will see that they will quit.
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  18. -12345460-

    -12345460- User

    I agree with you.
    2 years ago I was addicted to this game but i paused it and then when I came back the PvP was changed. It's the biggest damage for my heart because I play free PvP maps and everybody sunk me because I have big ship even Ahab
    TheWhiteKnight likes this.
  19. pouyan6569

    pouyan6569 User

    when all palyer lose pvp and skull all time play with ahab. back old pvp method
  20. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    Any news about PvP season number 3?
    We are waiting for the PvP season number 3 since June-July 2017, is there something we can do to help?
    We reported the issue to the support team, no replys, only auto re-answer messages, when will this issue be resolved? :|