Big event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by velhodosaco, Jun 5, 2024.

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  1. Ahoy moderators, I would like to ask, if it has already been seen, a specific date for the launch of the great pirate tournament, which takes place in the middle of the year, in addition, I would like to reinforce the request, you can retransmit it to adjust the emblems...
  2. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy velhodosaco,

    The Forum Team has inquired about the start date for The Great Pirate Tournament. We will post an announcement when/if we are informed of the start date.

    It is doubtful that Summer Event Icons/Emblems Issue will be any better than in the past several years.

    Happy Sailing!
    velhodosaco likes this.
  3. Ahoy support team,
    We appreciate your attention so far, but we would like to highlight our frustration and concern with the status of summer event symbols/emblems. We have been waiting for years for an update that guarantees the correct functioning of these elements. We know the gaming community may be small, but they are real people, dedicating their time and passion to the game.
    It is disheartening to see that basic issues such as symbols/emblems do not receive due attention. We understand the limitations, but we believe that a minimal update to fix these issues would be a gesture of consideration and respect for the community that remains loyal to the game.
    We sincerely ask the developer team to analyze the situation on the Europa and Latam1 servers. Both are active and deserve more attention. Improvements, even if small, can make a big difference in player experience and the longevity of the game.
    Please forward our request to those who have the power to adjust these aspects of the game. The community is willing to collaborate and provide detailed feedback to help with the process.
    Thank you again for your attention and we hope that our voice is heard.
    Happy browsing!
  4. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy velhodosaco,

    Please see the Announcement.

    It is doubtful that Summer Event Icons/Emblems Issue will be any better than in the past several years.

    Best Regards!

    ~~Thread Closed~~
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