Basic questions pt. 3

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Gabriel31921, Oct 13, 2023.

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  1. Hello everyone, more newbie questions need an answer (I have tried to find the answers in the forum, I promise you WaterWillow, that I have spent time searching and reading, but I didn't achieve the answers)

    1. I've killed Ates the collosus, and he spawned some minions, if I kill some minion what will it give me? gold, diamonds...? (Btw, I can't kill them, 4000 regenerative health, I just can't with harpoons)

    2. I saw a lot of people talking about getting 2 sets on the ship plus the moon set, first of all, I do not understand how 1 ship can get 2 sets. If I buy sails and keel and mast from a certain set, it would be useless to buy again sails and keel and mast from another set. I am certain that I do not understand something here but can put my hand on it. And second, I've found that post, in which WaterWillow gives some links with some photos, but I can't see the photos in my browser, I don't know the reason. With that if I am unsure how can someone fit 2 sets on one ship, including a 'third' set, being this the moon set, just seems imposible, because I don't know what is the moon set.

    (Hope you can understand the paragraph, I tried my best)

    3. If I need points or medals from the battlegrounds to buy items from some events, but due to lack of players I can't play in the battlegrounds, is there any other way to get those items?

    One again, thanks everyone that helps, I'm sorry WaterWillow if these questions are already replied somewhere in the forum, I did try.
  2. Nameless

    Nameless User

    1) They give diamonds, 25 diamonds each I think, at least the Eternal Ice ones give these.

    2) Yes, you can, for example, you can combine Pentar Power with Halloween Power. And then the BloodMoon Power goes separately, you can put it on the ship because it takes up its own space. That is, you can have 3 Power, of course you cannot have repeated objects, except for the BloodMoon Power, which occupies its own space and can ALWAYS be placed.

    3) This is the worst thing that could happen to you...... Because you will only be able to get the coins from the battlefields when the events are over and by buying the coins, and they are expensive. Once again, the creators of the game are making things impossible for us to stop playing, it is normal that no one plays... Congratulations BP.

    PS: maybe you get an event, the one that usually comes out the most is Pentar, but very little.

    I hope I've helped.
  3. Thanks for the answers nameless
  4. Nameless

    Nameless User

    You're welcome je