Back the money to the players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Helldiablo, Sep 9, 2023.

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  1. Helldiablo

    Helldiablo User

    Back the money to the players!
    This game no work normal!!!
    Servers crash for long times!
    Workshop buged and you cant take the skill reward for days!
    The players are cheated to play crap game!
    Back all money!!
    This project game is crap!
  2. Helldiablo

    Helldiablo User

    They must back all money to the players because this game no work!!!
    Error for days!!!!!!
    Workshop bug many times!!!
    This game is crap!!!!!
    People who play this crap are cheated!!!!
  3. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Helldiablo,

    Your post was deleted because it was a duplicate post (Spam). Your most recent post was merged with the original post because it is the same topic. Please refrain from creating duplicate posts (Spam) about the same topic.

    There are many known issues with the game. There are some issues that can be worked around by clearing your cache and waiting until the next day to collect workshop items. There are some issues that can be resolved by refreshing your screen or by logging off and pushing play once again.

    BigPoint has been experiencing DDoS attacks which have resulted in connection issues. Such incidents are called “Denial of Service Attacks” and are a common threat to every company offering online services. According to press reports, several global online gaming companies have been suffering from such attacks.

    Many continue to play the game despite known issues with the game. The choice to do so or not, is yours.

    Best Regards!

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