Adjustments to Arena and "Black Flag Day" Event

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Zebrao, Jan 3, 2025.

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Do you think it is possible to bring in new players?

  1. Yes

  2. no

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  1. Zebrao

    Zebrao User

    Hi, everyone!
    I’d like to bring up two points for discussion, as I’ve noticed the number of active players in the game has decreased:
    1. Arena:
      With fewer active players, arena battles are taking much longer to happen, which directly impacts the points needed to reach the rewards. It would be great if the team could consider reducing the required points for rewards, at least while the player base is smaller. This would make the arena more engaging and fair for everyone.
    2. "Black Flag Day" Event:
      Another issue is the cost of "Blood" in the event. Currently, it costs 2500 skulls, but with fewer players on the server, it’s extremely hard to gather that amount. I suggest adjusting the cost to better match the game’s current state or providing alternative ways to earn skulls more easily.
    I believe these changes could improve the experience for all of us who are still playing and bring more balance to the game. What do you guys think?