A Secret Letter

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Fluffkins2013, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Respectfully drafted for the attention of His Piratical Excellency Octavio Acari by his humble servant, Federico Scribossequio, Chief Advisor (Foreign Affairs), House Anansi.

    Wings of the Zephyr: The secrets of item upgrades

    My Lord and Master - in my last missive, I wrote of the invasion force of the Fire Ifrit. This danger is not fully past, only averted, but I trust to wiser heads than my own to take the information I provided on it and plan our resistance. I write now regarding a different aspect of this fascinating kingdom, one which may prove to be extremely profitable to us all.

    In contrast to the Oncoming Storm, the north-westernmost tribe of the Southern Territories, the Wings of the Zephyr, have always been friendly. Their capital town, Boreas, is a bustling hub of trade, and its community of inventors and craftsmen often makes trips into our lands to learn what they can from our artisans. Boreas was once the home base of Habitus, a master craftsman who has developed a fondness for Northern pirates ever since some of them helped him rescue El-Adun, his wayward nephew, from the clutches of the Ifrit some time ago.

    Habitus' excessive fondness for dozing off over his hookah pipe has resulted in the burning down of three separate workshops; the final blaze also consumed a neighboring smithy and glassblower's. This was the final embarrassment for the Ancient and Honorable Guild of Philosophers and Alchemists to which he belonged, and they firmly showed him the door. Resentful, he would have let this stand, except that, without the guild's support and training, his nephew (and heir) would be doomed to an impoverished life after Habitus' eventual passing. He petitioned the guild for readmission. They agreed to allow him back if he completed what they considered an impossible task: if he can teach the basics of crafting to even the 'clumsy northern barbarians', they will give him another chance. He has doubts about our ability to learn, but is determined to move heaven and earth to make this work, for the sake of his nephew.

    I suggest we lend this Habitus all possible aid in hopes of learning the wondrous Southern craft of taking a weapon and making it better, more effective - superior, even. This Ancient Guild of Balderdash of theirs may not believe in our Captains' adaptability and abilities, but I am certain that you share my confidence in them.

    ( By the hand of your true and loyal advisor - F.S. )
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