1/2 off improvements 2 days in a row

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ШΛŁŁΛßΞ, Dec 11, 2015.

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  1. So, today, and tomorrow (According to the servers that are ahead of US1 in time) it is 1/2 off improvements 2 days in a row. Obviously, it doesn't really "hurt" the players much, but is this intentional?
  2. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod


    This is rare but has occurred in the past. I'm afraid regarding whether this is intentional or not I cannot be sure as we are not provided with updates regarding this type of event.

    Is there anything else we can help you with?
  3. Hmm, missed this post somehow, thanks for the info Wedgewood, you can close the thread :)
  4. Wedgewood

    Wedgewood bp_phrase_Forum_Demigod

    No problem ШΛŁŁΛßΞ.

    Happy sailing. :)

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