ban without reason

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Aerodynamic, Feb 16, 2025.

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  1. last year i got ban for nothing, through support team i was able to open my ban, then after few weeks i got one year ban again without any reason, after this i am told to tell first day of my registration and some infos that i can never remember or find, therefore i waited a year for my ban to open, once a year is finished, i checked my account again and saw that i am banned till 2124, are you serious guys ? when i open a thread here i am always directed to support team while they dont move their finger to help me, no 3rd party program, no vpn for payment, no hack, no insultation, whats the reason of my ban i seriously wonder
  2. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy Aerodynamic,

    Account bans, where a player can't play the game, generally occur for account sharing, pushing arena, glitching bonus maps, stacking extensions/decks, and other Violations of the Terms of Service. If your ban notice lists a specific date, your boat will be unbanned automatically by the system. If you have a white screen, then your boat is permanently banned until a moderator releases it. Account bans can range from 1 day to Lifetime Bans (99 years).

    Again, you will have to contact support for the answer to your ban.

    Best Regards!