Rekrutacja serwer europa 3. Recruitment europe server 3.

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by Komak, Nov 12, 2024.

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  1. Komak

    Komak User

    Zapraszam wszystkich do wspólnego grania. Nowa gildia zaprasza wszystkich aktywnych graczy. Wszyscy członkowie dostaną prawa do atakowania wysp, inwazji i eventów. Zapraszam do EUROPE#3 [E-3]

    I invite everyone to play together. The new guild invites all active players. All members will get the rights to attack islands, invasions and events. I invite you to EUROPE#3 [E-3]

    mariaerlaine likes this.
  2. Which clan discord? I'm going to create an account there, I play on the Latam server

    LXVIII User

    come to eu1 its the most active