EU 2 Arena 2v2 search

Discussion in 'Guild & Arena Team Search' started by KatyDead, Jan 24, 2020.

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  1. KatyDead

    KatyDead User

    Hello I am active player from europa 2

    i am looking for someone expirienced and strong who can help me get world devastator..
    i cant do it on my own nowadays its almost impossible

    thanks for all replies

    name in game :†₭Ø₮√₳Ⱥ†
    radosnia likes this.
  2. I would like to join your team. I do have the Frostbrand more than 36 K HP, I am not sure if I can help you to win the season. Name in the game is hansmans or hansmekelenkamp2001 (I am not even sure). Teamname for the 2vs2 arena team is The veterans. Happy to welcome you!

    Please let me know here if you would like to jopin it