FAQs: General information about ships

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by =Royal=, Apr 2, 2016.

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  1. =Royal=

    =Royal= User

    Here you have some info about cannons, harpoon launchers and hitpoints for all the ships combining different sets or decks. If you see any mistake please let me know and I will fix it as fast as I can. I hope it will be useful.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. =Royal=

    =Royal= User


    * - Terror Deck from "Haloween" event replaces the Reef Deck from Lodos house.
  3. =Royal=

    =Royal= User










    * - Upper Storm Deck from "Storm day" event replaces the Upper Barbed Deck from Buthu house.

    ** - Paws Quarterdeck from Ursus house replaces the Middle Panther Deck from Pentar house.
  4. =Royal=

    =Royal= User

  5. =^ᴥ^=

    =^ᴥ^= User

    Thank you very much for this great help :) . It really helps alot. Thanks! :)
  6. Wouw! very well done, I can see you have put quite a bit of work in these! It is of great help, layout is good and easy to understand. I really appreciate it, thank you. :)
  7. nice work. it helps a lot:) thank you. and what about speed?:)
  8. =Royal=

    =Royal= User

    Thank you all for your support, I really appreciate it. And about speed, yes I will try to make one for speed too.
    YellowHammer likes this.
  9. raidmax

    raidmax User

  10. Eclips

    Eclips User

    Well done, very useful :)
  11. slammer

    slammer User

    Royal, you are the man. awesome effort thank you very much
  12. =Royal=

    =Royal= User

    Yes, of course you can.
    Vízirájder likes this.
  13. bloodeys

    bloodeys User

    So great, very very cool ! thank you so much Royal
  14. ~Maximuis~

    ~Maximuis~ User

    :eek:Oh the work that went into this. Thank you Royal and you the best! Give this guy some diamonds Big Point!:)
    DaAzero likes this.
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