Why did they leave us?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by velhodosaco, Jul 25, 2023.

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  1. We would like to know what is happening that in pirate storm there are no more updates such as ships, events, we do not have chat, nor pvp rank, in addition, the arena emblem does not work, I just wanted to clarify my doubts, I do not believe that a game as good as this one cannot even go forward like seafight dark orbit, always with updates, and here at ps, where is this development team working to help us, what do we need to do for the game to return players? :/
    Aerodynamic likes this.
  2. The game is dead mate, they'll probably close everything in months
  3. The game is there, it is playable, the question is, it lacks updates and fixes, it lacks developers, that is, the company has something in mind, but does not tell us '-'
  4. It's nothing new, browser games are dead, that's it xD
  5. hurka1997

    hurka1997 User

    No its just not playable game, I killed the rank1 in arena and I got the ban for NOTHING.
  6. joya

    joya User

    On what server it was ?
  7. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy hurka1997,

    Your post is off-topic. If the account is suspended, please contact Support.

    Happy Sailing!
  8. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    The Forum Team has addressed most of your concerns before throughout the Forum. For whatever reason, BigPoint has not made updates to Pirate Storm. Games operate for the purpose of making money. If the game is not lucrative, then companies decide to invest their resources into game(s) that are more lucative.

    Happy Sailing!
  9. Opana

    Opana User

    without making new update and fixing the bugs the game will not bring it extra money
  10. Opana

    Opana User

    so assume and do not put the blame on the players. A player will put money when you wake up and not before
  11. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    No one has blamed players. If the game is not lucrative, then companies decide to invest their resources into game(s) that are more lucative. If a particular model of a car is not selling, sometimes changes are made to the car and sometimes the company will try to create a different model that is more appealing to the masses.

    Best Regards!

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    ~Asked and Answered~
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