Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MiniPirate, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    Hello, first of all, this is the 2nd try of bigpoint to fix this game. Secondly, today in test server of pirate storm, the ability to enter arenas, and battles with bugs was were automaticly deleted by the game. So, welcome back Pirate Storm. I hope the second no bug ERA will be better than ever. If you want you can try test server by yourself.
    But i have 1 question, when will this be transformed into the normal servers too?
    #ThanksBigPoint #PirateStormIsBack


    It´s look a fantastic new.:)
  3. PIPO1965

    PIPO1965 User

    I will believe it when I see it. :cool:

    MANU_OWW User

    where server test?
  5. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User


    MANU_OWW User

    the test server does not work as it should, can someone give me more information?
    Also the bug was also good for those who own the premium?
  7. GREAT !!! ^^ the end of loadout bug, more of one year...
  8. I've been out of the game for 2 years now and nothing has changed as to bugs and cheaters. It's kind of comforting to know in life that somethings are eternal. :p
  9. Godblast

    Godblast User

    do not create hope, have more bugs kk bug map bonus, light bug, push bug
  10. ivikakum

    ivikakum User

    yes very bad for you kid :( you lost many now when bug was remov ....... you give many pvp after this :D


    How will I test? if I do not have bugged account on the test server? someone has? I do not believe ... so what server test? This is a lie.
    Godblast likes this.
  12. link of server test, but now, if you create an acc, its inutil, you start lvl1 without gold and diamonds, like simple server.
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^ ivikakum is correct. Use of bugs means you are a very good cheater, not a good player. :p
  14. Also, an event battle on a test server is not a real melee or guild attack--or even open sea marauding for that matter. In the video that there were only 2 players on each team--that is nothing compared to how many played before PS was so badly mismanaged that everyone left. You would not have lasted 10 seconds in an event back then, less time in an actual melee or guild attack. It is a real pity that the game has lost so many good players. I posted a challenge for a melee on euro1 yeterday and two players (bless them) showed up immediately but had no idea what I was asking them to do. The game has become a farming game or map quest (including events) but is not player vs player like it was once. Even a duel is better than what the arena has become--if you can even find a fight there. The lossof player ranking and of skulls is a disgrace and the current company who owns this game should be ashamed.
    MANU_OWW likes this.
  15. MANU_OWW

    MANU_OWW User

    We hope that the correction is implemented on real servers as soon as possible because every second that passes with the bug is a huge damage to the game ... I hope this time the correction is successful and I invite all the good players to devastate those who have navigated in the errors.
    I have already put the steel aside ....
    YellowHammer likes this.
  16. use stone---they're not worth steel :p
  17. MANU_OWW

    MANU_OWW User

    If you shoot 14 k suddenly ...
  18. MiniPirate

    MiniPirate User

    20/7/2018 BUGS FIXED, and at 1/8/2018 PvP system (season 3) comes
  19. Where did you get this information?
    YellowHammer likes this.
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