The Wrath of Carnage December 2013

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fluffkins, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Here is where you may discuss what you think about November's Pirate's Dominion‏.

    Please keep all comments on topic, those that are not may be deleted.

    Thank you.​
  2. Dr.Acula

    Dr.Acula User

    Really nice battleground, but they should reduce tower health points, like it was before the Pirate's Dominion Patch.
    They said battlegrounds are too fast and it just takes a few minutes, but they don't thought clearly, because now we all have to pay for more munition ( worst case if you use steel or other good cannonballs and not just iron ore stone). Now you have to pay more diamonds for cannonballs - very good .... BP is happy :( :cool:
  3. You have to take into consideration the fact that the damage has grown a lot with the set from summer. A destroyer or even a good gladiator have a 5k dmg at least.

    If you use special ammunition from the event, the damage for a destroyer is around 9k at least.
    So...if the towers have low life points, the event will last a few minutes at best. It`s for the best this way.
  4. Luke

    Luke User

    Well i think 1.5m hitpionts is enough and still does not last too long. Here are some of my averages since last carnage during summer.

    P.S: the matches are still only 40-45 seconds long.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  5. 22k aver
    22k average? wow is thats possible:D
    xxmipxx likes this.
  6. randy04086

    randy04086 User

    [ROS] ‏TimeCat: ‏fluffkins- i like the new activity requirement on the battlegrounds... can you pass it on the the dev team please
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