Battleground Week: Dominion

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fluffkins, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Here is where you may discuss the Battleground Week: Dominion.

    Please keep all comments on topic, those that are not may be deleted.

    Thank you.​
  2. I am new to this game. Recently I played Battleground capture the flag...(we need to capture the flag and earn kirus coins and we can buy the stuffs). but what do we need to do in Battleground Domination. will there be any reward coins? Can I buy stuff like decks and so on ?
  3. Yes, you'll be able to buy the Sobeck deck which goes on the lower deck of your ship. All Battlegrounds have items you can unlock by earning coins.
    The object of Pirate's Dominion is to capture and hold 3 islands. You get 1 point every second from each island you hold.
  4. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    the FAQ for this Battleground can be found by clicking Here.
  5. phil1985

    phil1985 User

    thanks Fluffkins
  6. .SWIFTY.

    .SWIFTY. User

    How soon is it?
  7. is there a list whit items
  8. Fluffkins

    Fluffkins User

    A list of all rewards for all Battlegrounds can be found Here. You will want the Sobek section in the thread.

    Event Start: 2014-03-17 12:00:00 (local server time)
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