How do I activate chat in the game?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by calcetop, May 5, 2024.

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  1. calcetop

    calcetop User

    How do I activate chat in the game? help me pls
  2. Jolly-Bonesjack

    Jolly-Bonesjack Board Administrator Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy calcetop

    The chat feature has been gone for quite some time.

    Happy Sailing!
  3. calcetop

    calcetop User

    And how do I talk to people?
  4. vik

    vik User

    you don't talk to anyone, it's Bigpoint's latest change to improve the game you don't like?
  5. zzz

    zzz User

    hisss... everyone quiet :D:D:):)
  6. WaterWillow

    WaterWillow Team Leader Team Pirate Storm

    Ahoy calcetop,

    The Forum offers a search feature. It is helpful is players use this feature to search for possible answers to their inquiry. This helps to prevent duplicate posts concerning the same topick.

    Please see our previous reply in the Announcement section of the Forum.

    Best Regards!

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    ~Asked & Answered~
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