Opinions on ships

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by TheWhiteKnight, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. nah, Barracuda doesn't seem to be a great ship to me. Paladin is better.
  2. yeah paladin is better than the baricuda 143 cannons and 102 harps is NORMALY good
  3. Guys you get a cuda all maxed and moon deck all lvl 3 bombs, i bet it would stand a chance against a glad or even a dow, it may not win but atleast put fire on it:p:p
  4. Well what if ur oppenent has a Gladi or DOw with moon deck and all lvl 3 boombastics hmmm nope i don't think soo.........
    BARICUDA will get his decks sunk into the bottem of the seas :p:p:p
    well baricuda is one of the weakest ship in the game
  5. yeah and it's better than that to get a Betters ship(Super ships like gladi DOW) with ur better ship now u have and make it strong :p:p
  6. Alb.Pirate

    Alb.Pirate User

    u guys are quite funny...
    Best ship DoW! best looking ship godfather 1!!!
    good luck in getting a dow :D
    slammer likes this.
  7. lol :D:D:D:D
  8. for me best looking ship is iron eagle II
  9. for me Chving envy
  10. For me the Barracuda:p:p:p
  11. asian101

    asian101 User

    [[$TAR$CR3AM...........that ship only good for Post war lol...
    abangcool99 likes this.
  12. Best ship good for port war is Pirana :D:D:D:D:D:D
  13. asian101

    asian101 User

    nope it's sloop
  14. I'm from Latin america server, there everyone uses the Piranha for day to day. It is almost impossible to use large boats, everyone wants to sink the gladiators and DOW. The piranhas invaded maps. Boat cheap, powerful and fast.
  15. Maxed piranah is AWESOME!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
  16. YEAH IT IS!!!!!


    frostbrand :D
  18. Yeah it is awsome for FARMING!!! :):):)
  19. I like my devastator for port wars, but only now since I have the tween deck on it. Otherwise my ships are Frost, Glad and Ahab
  20. phil1985

    phil1985 User

    i like the iron eagle 2 me it my favored ship and is my main ship so be aware and be scared if you sail on EU 2